
http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads からlinux用”Console-only - 32-bit(x86)”をダウンロード

② ダウンロードしたファイルを解凍
# tar xvzf truecrypt-7.0a-linux-console-x86.tar.gz

③ 解凍したファイルを実行、インストール
# ./truecrypt-7.0a-setup-console-x86

TrueCrypt 7.0a Setup

Installation options:

1) Install truecrypt_7.0a_console_i386.tar.gz
2) Extract package file truecrypt_7.0a_console_i386.tar.gz and place it to /tmp

To select, enter 1 or 2: 1

Before you can use, extract, or install TrueCrypt, you must accept the
terms of the TrueCrypt License.

Press Enter to display the license terms...

・・・ ライセンス表示 ・・・

Do you accept and agree to be bound by the license terms? (yes/no): yes

Uninstalling TrueCrypt:

                                            • -

To uninstall TrueCrypt, please run 'truecrypt-uninstall.sh'.

Installing package...
usr/share/truecrypt/doc/TrueCrypt User Guide.pdf

Press Enter to exit...

④ 暗号化ボリューム作成
$ truecrypt -c
Volume type:
1) Normal
2) Hidden
Select [1]: 1

Enter volume path: /home/hoge/vol1.img

Enter volume size (sizeK/size[M]/sizeG): 1G

Encryption algorithm:
1) AES
2) Serpent
3) Twofish
4) AES-Twofish
5) AES-Twofish-Serpent
6) Serpent-AES
7) Serpent-Twofish-AES
8) Twofish-Serpent
Select [1]: 1

Hash algorithm:
1) RIPEMD-160
2) SHA-512
3) Whirlpool
Select [1]: 2

1) None
2) FAT
3) Linux Ext2
4) Linux Ext3
5) Linux Ext4
Select [2]: 4

Enter password: パスワード入力
WARNING: Short passwords are easy to crack using brute force techniques!

We recommend choosing a password consisting of more than 20 characters. Are you sure you want to use a short password? (y=Yes/n=No) [No]: Yes

Re-enter password: パスワード再入力

Enter keyfile path [none]: 

Please type at least 320 randomly chosen characters and then press Enter:

Done: 100.000% Speed: 18 MB/s Left: 0 s

Enter your user password or administrator password: sudoの時のパスワード入力
The TrueCrypt volume has been successfully created.
$ ls -l /home/hoge/vol1.img

  • rw------- 1 hoge hoge 1073741824 2010-12-16 14:11 /home/hoge/vol1.img

⑤ 作成した暗号化ボリュームをマウント
$ truecrypt /home/hoge/vol1.img /home/hoge/mnt/
Enter password for /home/hoge/vol1.img:
Enter keyfile [none]:
Protect hidden volume (if any)? (y=Yes/n=No) [No]:

⑥ マウントした暗号化ボリュームに何かファイルを入れてアンマウントしてみる
$ ls /home/hoge/mnt
$ echo "hogehoge" > /home/hoge/mnt/hoge.txt
$ ls /home/hoge/mnt
hoge.txt lost+found
$ truecrypt -d /home/hoge/mnt/
$ ls /home/hoge/mnt